Re: A89: I need help disabling interupts!


Re: A89: I need help disabling interupts!

you can do it by changeing the interupt vektors..  you dont really disable the
interrupt, you just change the interrupt routine to one that does nothing.
the interupt vektor table starts at $64, and every entry is one longword.
so the vektor to int 2 should be at $68.
a vektor is a pointer to the memoryaddress where the interupt lives..
just change it to the memoryaddress of your own routine, like:

dummy_int: rte		; Dummy interrupt.. does nothing.

rte is return from interupt..


zach wrote:
> Does anyone know how to disable an individual auto-interupt!  I would like to
> disable auto-int 2 for the duration of my program, and I do not know how.
> Does anyone on the list know?
