Re: A89: Hey, could someone help all newbies!


Re: A89: Hey, could someone help all newbies!

> yeah that helps .... can anyone else here help us
> newbies HERE, and release simple program that
> show how to do the very very basics, like
> changing fonts?? or the size?
> Also, the grayscale graphics will take newbies a
> while to learn, but i would like to see 1-2
> programs that do simple black or white graphics!
> the first to be a small graphic, the second one
> to take a graphic, and tile it across the entire
> screen.
> Also, i was thinking, could someone out there do
> a lib to handle grayscale easier? for example;
> to do a black and white graphic, you put this
> coding ( just the graphic binary part ):
> --
> ....
> dc.b %00011000
> ---
> but could you do a lib to handle grayscale like
> this:
> ----
> ....
> dc.b #00124300
> ----
> the # instead of % because its not binary ( duh!
> )
> and 1 is a black pixle, 2 is a dark gray, 3 is
> lighter gray... and so on!
> That would make programming soooo much easier, if
> you think it could work, let me know
> ~ thanks! ~

unfortunately, that's a considerable waste of memory.  you shouldn't have to
be designing your sprites like this either .. try downloading the gb tile
designer ;-)
