A89: I have an ASM sytax question...


A89: I have an ASM sytax question...

I'm new to 68k asm, and I was looking over the hello world program.  There's a part I don't understand:
    lea       string(PC),A0
    move.l  A0,-(A7)
anyway, why can't I use this instead? :
    movea.l   string(PC),A0
    move.l    A0,-(A7)
I don't quite understand what the difference between "lea" and "move" is.  Can someone please explain it?  btw, when I use the second piece of code, I get garbled letters on the screen... 
Thayne Miller
ICQ# 4637439 | mailto:4637439@pager.mirabilis.com
             LDS member  http://www.lds.org
"The greatest pleasure in yo-yoing is an abstract
pleasure--watching the dramatization of simple physical
laws, and realizing they will never fail if a trick is done
correctly.  The geometric purity of it!  The string isn't
just a string, it is a tool in the enactment of theorems.
It is a line, an idea"       - Frank Conroy, Stop Time
