A89: dang, I'm so glad I got a ti-89


A89: dang, I'm so glad I got a ti-89

sorry to be really annoying with all these messages, but:
the ti-89 is a very powerful tool.  One cool example that really shocked me was that I could upload the whole 68kguide (Jimmy's one) into the 89 and read it in the text editor (only 30k too!).  Not only that, but I can acutally write ASM programs into the text editor just as if it were notepad or whatever and I can just use the graphlink to save it as a *.asm program; then I compile it, send it back, and BAM!  This calculator can do it all!
So now, I can learn ASM, program ASM, and run ASM all on one little machine!  (I can't compile ASM on it though)
Thayne Miller
ICQ# 4637439 | mailto:4637439@pager.mirabilis.com
             LDS member  http://www.lds.org
"The greatest pleasure in yo-yoing is an abstract
pleasure--watching the dramatization of simple physical
laws, and realizing they will never fail if a trick is done
correctly.  The geometric purity of it!  The string isn't
just a string, it is a tool in the enactment of theorems.
It is a line, an idea"       - Frank Conroy, Stop Time