A89: question


A89: question

why does the hexlib function print out 1 & E, when I really want it to
print out 1 & 2? i hope this isnt too dumb of a question :)

	jsr    util::clr_scr
       jsr    util::idle_loop
	move.l #1,d0  ;number
	move.l #1,d1  ;row
	move.l #1,d2  ;column
	jsr    hexlib::put_char
	jsr 	util::idle_loop
	addq   #1,d0
	addq   #1,d1
	addq   #1,d2
	jsr    hexlib::put_char
	jsr	util::idle_loop


"If God didn't want us to eat in church, he
would have made gluttony a sin."

--Homer Simpson

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