A89: learn 89 asm


A89: learn 89 asm

    I've written many games in Pascal and C++ that my friends think are
really good.  I've been trying to convert them to asm (for the 89), but I
just started learning 68k a few days ago.  Many people sent me to 92asm
sites to learn 68k, but trying to figure out what is the same, and what is
different from the 92/92+ and 89, I get frustrated and stop programming for
the day.
    If someone could tell me where I can learn asm for the 89 (or help me
leran through ICQ), I would be happy to convert and make any programs you
would like when I figure out how.  I will be willing to put in a lot of time
to help the 89 asm community grow.  We need more asm progs out there.
School is boring when you've played the same 6 games on your 86 for the past
1.5 years!
    I'd appreciate any direction.  Thanks.

David Demers  (I'm a senior in HS, and there are 10 yr-olds that know