Re: A89: recursion question


Re: A89: recursion question

>In a message dated 11/30/98 3:42:27 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< doesn't the # make it a decimal number? >>
>not necessarily.  for example:
>#10 is ten in decimal, but #$10 is 2 in binary.  # just means it is an
>immediate value.

If you don't put the # you will get the contents of (10) (ie, what's at the
address 10).  You use parenthesis to indicate indirect addressing with
registers, but with values no parenthesis means indirect addressing and #
means direct addressing.  Pretty stupid by whoever put together the assembly
language, I don't know of any others that do this.

#10 is decimal
#$0a is the same in hex
#%1010 is the same in binary