Re: A89: Library question


Re: A89: Library question

I think it would be best if the libraries carried the most commonly used, repetitive functions.  That way, when a programmer wanted to have an additional function, he should just throw a routine into his own program instead of the library.

~Dave <>

Dennis Ng wrote:

not a good idea!

the whole point of a library is to conserve memory! Every program uses a
library to execute repetitive tasks. Say everyone had one big library. But
then, I just developed a new program that draws 3D graphics. Then, it would
be crazy to put those functions into a big library if they are never

Then you will have many requests to make the library bigger because some
programmer needs to call a repetitive function from many programs. Then
you'll have around 1200 versions every time someone adds their own function
to the library.

Follow-Ups: References: