Re: A89: Word processor


Re: A89: Word processor

> What would be the point of a word processor? 
You can edit pretty texts/docs with useful functions.

> Are you gonna make a
> TI-printer?

> If I need a word processor, I'll use Lotus SmartSuite. 
And If you need a spreadsheet, I think you'll use Excel, and if you need a 
calculus prog, you'll use Mathematica, and if you need a game, you'll use your 
gameboy emulator...but...oh ! sorry, I've forgotten : they all need a computer 
:) seriously, I thought people would be interested in a word processor because 
TI's text editor is quit powerless, and if I go to the trouble of doing a new 
one, it could be worthwhile to do it in depth.

> Thanks anyway.  Oh yeah, to answer your question, grayscale tops
> black/white anyday.  Power problem?  Get rechargeable batteries.

I thought they don't work as well as normal ones. But I may be wrong.

Thank you for your help,
thank you all for your suggestions,
merci à tous ;)

Sacha Kaercher
