Re: A89: hiscore.ini?


Re: A89: hiscore.ini?

In a message dated 12/28/98 2:34:11 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> wrote:
>  > 
>  > The 89 has about 500K of memory available, but unfortunately, it's really
> hard
>  > to use. You know why. Most of it is in the Flash ROM archive. To get a 
> good
>  > chunk of it, you need to put large ASM programs and other data in there. 
> The
>  > only drawback, it seems, is that when an ASM program is run from the 
> Archive,
>  > the settings and hiscores are never saved!
>  I *hope* that when TI will have released info (if they do it one day..),
>  we will be able to include somthing in DoorsOS that will correct the
>  highscore in archives problem.
>  I think it could be done, but i'm not sure..

The beauty of INI files is that you don't have to worry about changing the
program in the Flash ROM. I would seriously dislike any program using up my
Flash ROM every time I or someone else gets a high score on my calc. Using an
INI-like file, the INI is kept in the RAM and the ASM program that uses it can
call it from the RAM or the Flash ROM. INIs used to be how Windows kept track
of all the settings, and it was great because all that INIs were was simple,
easily-edited text files. Unfortunately, they have been replaced by a
monstrous behemoth called the Registry. (I hate that stupid thing.)

Although any programmer who knows how to create a file from a program could
probably do this, it would be much easier to keep track of, not to mention
easier to use, a library or a DoorsOS/Plusshell kernel thing (pardon me, I
don't really understand how kernels work yet) that would keep all these
hiscores/settings in one file, and hidden in a place so that it is not even in
the program listings, and morons who like to hack high scores would just think
that the data was in the program.

INI files in Windows are formatted like this:

(This is not an actual clipping from an INI file.)

Something for the calc could be very similar. Perhaps we can even be smart and
figure out how to make entries for deleted programs go away? (Or mabye this
would be nice because the hiscores and settings will still be there when the
program is reloaded?)