A86: Re: Josh: Calendar Functions


A86: Re: Josh: Calendar Functions

> Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 14:15:24 -0800
> From: rabidcow@juno.com
> Subject: Re: A86: Re: Calendar Formulas
> your routine seemed overly complicated so i wrote one off of my
> suggestion
> (beats doing calculus homework ;)
> not as easy as i had expected...
> this routine must base off of a leap year, so 1970 doesn't work.
> if you really want to base off of 1970, subtract 2*365 from hl 
> before
> calling
> then base off of 1972 (add 2 to the year after return)
> also, this will be off by one day after feb 28, 2100
> inc hl before calling if >46810 to fix that (using 1972 as base 
> year)
> or >42427 (using 1984 as base year)

nice code.

i decided to use a different approach:  can the date index number.

it wasn't necessary.  i am sticking with the mm/dd/yyyy.

using one byte for the month, one for the day, and two for the year.

month ->    1
day ->        1
year ->        2005

means:  1/1/2005.    (just what it says)

this avoids the unecessary date index thing.  i'm not sure why i did

new problem: determining the day of the week from month, day, and year.

any suggestions?  i know i can just look at others' source files on
previous calc programs.  if i get desperate.

jimi malcolm
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