A86: Moving (memory locations): code


A86: Moving (memory locations): code

>     Perhaps you could paste the part of your code you are having trouble with
> for us all to see. Then it would be easier to fix the problem.

Here is the relevant bit of code...

> #include "ti86asm.inc"
> .org _asm_exec_ram
>         call _flushallmenus
>         call DrawRoutine
> MainLoop:
>         call _get_key
>         ;cp K_ENTER
>         ;jr z, MoveAString
>         ;This is where I want to load, for example:
>         ;string a into string b so the display reads
>         ;aacdefgh- what is the best way to do this
>         cp K_EXIT
>         ret z
>         jr MainLoop
> DrawRoutine:
>         ld hl,Strings
>         xor a
>         ld b,8
> InnerLoop:
>                 ld (_curRow),a
>                 call _puts
>                 djnz InnerLoop
>         call _homeup
>         ret
> Strings:
>         .db "a",0
>         .db "b",0
>         .db "c",0
>         .db "d",0
>         .db "e",0
>         .db "f",0
>         .db "g",0
>         .db "h",0
> .end
