Re: A86: Dumbest guy alive - part deux


Re: A86: Dumbest guy alive - part deux

Why must we harass AOLamers? Oh yeah...thats right, because its fun =)

-Tim wrote:

> I know this is off-topic but this list might as well be considered dead and I
> thought this might cheer somebody up =P  Ignore it if you want assembly.
>  ALBATROSSman:   one more thing,  how do you make applets
>  ComAsYuAre:     you have to write them in java
>  ALBATROSSman:   how?
>  ComAsYuAre:     how what?
>  ComAsYuAre:     you have to learn java and write them and then compile them
>  ALBATROSSman:   damn i hate compiling java! oh well thanks
>  ComAsYuAre:     well you can do it by hand if you want
>  ALBATROSSman:   how?
>  ComAsYuAre:     that way you don't have to pay microsoft for their compiler
>  ALBATROSSman:   how?
>  ComAsYuAre:     the government issues proprietary software manuals on how to
> translate each instruction into bytecode
>  ComAsYuAre:     you have to contact your local security officer though
>  ALBATROSSman:   haha sounds like the gov. is trying just one more way to
> kill microsoft.  how would i contact my local sec. officer?
>  ComAsYuAre:     you can't.  that would be a breach of national security.
>  ALBATROSSman:   well sound like a lose-lose situation
>  ComAsYuAre:     well it's unfortunate how things turned out
>  ComAsYuAre:     you can thank microsoft for that
>  ComAsYuAre:     if you want, you can teach yourself binary and skip the
> whole government thing
>  ComAsYuAre:     how good are you at counting in all 0's?
>  ALBATROSSman:   i know some bianary but not that well at it.  i have never
> learned it i have just seen it befor and then translated
>  ALBATROSSman:   do you know bi
>  ComAsYuAre:     sure it's easy you just count without using 1-9
>  ALBATROSSman:   ok well how?
>  ComAsYuAre:     oh here we go.  just go <A
> HREF="">here</A>
> [] to get your government
> application.
>  ComAsYuAre:     no need to mess with that binary junk
>  ALBATROSSman:   ok
>  ComAsYuAre:     they have some hints on how not to anger the government and
> have them break down your door and kill you
>  ComAsYuAre:     you have to be careful
>  ALBATROSSman:   i know
>  ComAsYuAre:     If you are seeking reports and/or other material, please
> provide your return postal address. To ensure a timely delivery of your
> information, please make sure your return postal address is accurate.
>  ComAsYuAre:
> 1400 Defense Pentagon, Room 1E757
> Washington, DC 20301-1400
>  ComAsYuAre:     Alternatively, you may use your phone to dial (703)
> 697-5737.
>  ComAsYuAre:     Request the Java division.
>  ALBATROSSman:   sounds hard
>  ALBATROSSman:   do you have a compiler?
>  ComAsYuAre:     they need your social security number, blood type, and
> sexual preference handy to verify you are who you claim to be
>  ComAsYuAre:     and lying to these people is a federal crime
>  ALBATROSSman:    do you have a compiler?
>  ComAsYuAre:     yeah but it's specific to my dna structure.  if you tried it
> it would contaminate you and give you aids
>  ComAsYuAre:     occasionally genital warts, too
>  ALBATROSSman:   no will you make my a applet
>  ComAsYuAre:     if they discovered that kind of conspiracy you could be
> sodomized in a jail cell for 50 years
>  ALBATROSSman:   no really wll you make me one?
>  ComAsYuAre:     i won't risk my behind for you, no
>  ALBATROSSman:   ok weel good night
>  ComAsYuAre:     good luck
>  ComAsYuAre:     watch your ass
> ----
> Jonah Cohen
> <>

Follow-Ups: References: