A86: clear entries


A86: clear entries

Has anybody figured out how to clear all the entries?  It's easy to get rid 
of all but the latest one, but I haven't managed to get all of them.  Here's 
what I've tried:

    ld (_LASTENTRYPTR),hl    ;entry stack pointer is at start of stack
    xor a
    ld (_numlastentries),a   ;one entry
    ld (_currlastentry),a
    ld b,$80
    call _CLRLP          ;clear last entry stack
    ld hl,_monQueue
    ld b,16
    call _CLRLP     ;clear monitor queue
    ld hl,_ram_cache
    ld b,_Flags-_ram_cache
    call _CLRLP     ;clear temp ram

Despite all this, it appears to be retrieving the "last" entry out of 
nowhere.  I've even used ti86emu's memory searching ability to check the 
ENTIRE contents of the rom and ram for the last entry typed.  As strange as 
it sounds, it doesn't exist--until I hit 2nd+enter, upon which it pops up in 
several places.

Very strange...

Jonah Cohen
