Re: A86:OnTemp.asm


Re: A86:OnTemp.asm

<< what do you mean it wont compile??
 are you getting errors from certain lines?
 or do you press the assemble button and nothing
 post some code revelant to the errors you get
Well, here's Ontemp itself, i must not have saved the actual program
All it does is run a basic program called autoexec (hence the programs 
name:Autoexec86), and that part works as long as there is a program called 
The first one is the only one that concerns me. I have a couple ideas of what 
happend with the others.
Ive put a * after every line that produces errors:

#include "asm86.h"
#include ""

_alt_on_chksum      equ     $d48f
_alt_on_exec        equ     $d490

.org _asm_exec_ram
   ld hl,int*   ;says lable not difined  --this is the major problem
   ld de,_alt_on_exec
   ld bc,alt_on_end-alt_on
   ld a,(_alt_on_exec)
   ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*1) * ;I dont see anything wrong with these... 
other stuff like this always works for me. Even here, it sometimes works, 
sometimes not
   add a,(hl)
   ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*2) *
   add a,(hl)
   ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*3) *
   add a,(hl)
   ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*4) *
   add a,(hl)
   ld hl,_alt_on_chksum+($28*5) *
   add a,(hl)
   ld (_alt_on_chksum),a

   set 3,(iy+$23)

   ;insert your code here
