Re: A86: untokenizing


Re: A86: untokenizing

What does EDITPROG and CLOSEPROG do, other than the obvious, and what are all of the parameters?


In a message dated Mon, 3 Jan 2000  6:13:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Ok I tried this to untokenize a basic program called AA just for test 
> purposes, and it doesn't seem to be working.  I've tried it without the 
> EDITPROG and CLOSEPROG calls, and that just seems to corrupt AA.  Any ideas?
> .org _asm_exec_ram
>     ld hl,name-1
>     rst 20h
>     rst 10h
>     ret c
>     call _setupEditequ
>     call _EDITPROG
>     call _detok
>     call _CLOSEPROG
>     jp _closeEditequ
> name:
>     .db 2,"AA"
> ----
> Jonah Cohen
> (down)