A86: Re: math routines


A86: Re: math routines

> From: Cassady Roop <croop@oregontrail.net>
> I think what he's trying to say is you should make a page dealing 
> with
> fundamental mathematic theories, applied through assembly.  Like 
> simple
> multiplication, for example, which can be done with bit shifts like
> this:
> ;multiply n by 7
> ld a, 2		;n=2
> ld b, a		;store value of n
> rla		;n*2
> rla		;n*4
> rla		;n*8
> sub b		;(n*8-n) or n*7
> ;a now holds result of n times 7. n=2, so value in A is 14.
> Stuff like this is simple but seems incredibly confusing to 
> beginners. 
> It is true that though there are plenty of tutorials out there 
> covering
> stuff like sprites and variable access and such, there is a great 
> lack
> of simple math tutorials.  Once those tutorials are done, then you 
> could
> move on to more advanced stuff like trig math and accessing the 
> built-in
> higher math routines of the 86 from an assembly program.
oh, sweet. i'll get right
to it.

jimi malcolm