Re: A86: questions numbering 3


Re: A86: questions numbering 3

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Chris Manning wrote:

> question the first
>    1. How do you delete a program from another program, eg. the delete 
> feature on some os's.
after loading your string and calling findsym, call _delvar

	ld hl,progname-1		;copy prog name to op1
	rst 20h				;copy
	rst 10				;findsym, gets abs addr of var
	call _delvar			;deletes var
	.db 5,"diego"

>    2. Is there any way to make it so that the [sqrt]KEY is invisible in 
> Ashell so that it can't be deleted?
try another shell...
>    3. How do you run a program from another program eg. kind of how the 
> bomer program loads the bloke string(except i am trying to run a
do the rst 20h/rst 10h from above
call _exec_asm 	;(or something-i don't memorize equates for a living!
> Hey thanka for your help
> chris
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