Re: A86: TI-Speaker


Re: A86: TI-Speaker

My point was that sound on a calculator is virtually worthless.  If you want
sound, go get a Game Boy or a laptop.  About the only point of playing games
on your calculator is because you are allowed to have one in middle/high
school, whereas sometimes teachers/administration is more restrictive about
the use of a laptop / Game Boy.  In college classes you can usually do
whatever you want.  You are paying high dollar for them, so if you want to
sit through a lecture and play on your Game Boy, then you're the one missing
out (or not, as in the case of the last CS class I took...).  Some smaller
classes you take your first year like English are more like high school in
the sense that you can't sleep or do whatever, but that's because you
actually need to pay attention, and becuase it is out of common courtesy and
respect to the teacher and other students.  Otherwise, you might as well
just not go (hmm, I paid $1300 for this one class, let's skip it).  If you
are sitting at home, why would you want to play on your calculator when you
have your computer or other forms of entertainment?

Although I admit, I did play a lot of Pheonix on my 89 during my last win2k
reinstall :) (fault of WD hd dying, not win2k, don't want to start any
arguments there)

> thank you, all i was saying was "if programmers are restrained from
> making sound programms because it is to hard for other people to make
> speakers then they shouldn't be worried anymore, and that they should
> start writting them, if only for me.
