Re: A86:Link Routines:clarification


Re: A86:Link Routines:clarification

to send a var to another ti-86 or a computer that is waiting for the var
to be recieved (standard link mode):

	ld hl,varname-1
	rst $20
	ld a,$1c		; send var
	ld (_ASAP_IND),a
	call _linkExec	; =$571c

where varname is like this:
varname:  .db 4,"name"	; length,"name"

recieving or using silent linking is more difficult because there's no
rom routine that will handle everything for you.


On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 18:12:27 -0400 "Jeff Barrett"
<> writes:
>Also, if you need a program running on both calcs, include both 
>Jeff Barrett

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