A86: Z80 & new game preview


A86: Z80 & new game preview

While I'm typing, I just had to mention how easy it is to
code the Z80 after spending years with the 6502.  The Z80
has loads of registers to play with, and being able to
test conditions *and* branch/jump/call all in one instruction
is so nice - man, it feels like I'm programming in BASIC :)

At the same time, boy these instructions take a lot of cycles,
but I guess that doesn't matter so much since the Z80 always
had proportionally much higher clock speeds compared with the

Anyway, I really can't sympathize with the folks complaining
about how hard and unforgiving ASM on the TI is - not that
any of you here are saying that here - but I agree with
whoever said on the Spasmic or Basmic or whatever debate on
ticalc.org that "Z80 is one of the easiest ASMs to learn".

The preview of my first ever Z80 or TI game (3 nights of work so
far, after I put the kids to bed :) is available for download at:

I uploaded it to ticalc a few nights ago, but still haven't
seen it there.  And no, the game doesn't really erase your
calculator's memory, that's meant to be a joke.
Robin Harbron     macbeth@psw.nu

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