Re: A86: I need Help


Re: A86: I need Help

try this
   ld b,10       ;b is 10
   push bc  ;saves counter
   ld a,65
   call _SetXXOP1
   ld a,90
   call _SetXXOP2
   call _randint
   call _CONVOP1
   call _putc      ;get and display a random number from register a
	call _pause
   pop bc ; the push and pop save the counter
   djnz randome    ;decrease b (now 9) check to see if non zero (nope)
   ret            ;if it is zero, quit

remember _putc displays the char w/ the current value in a
look through the asm studio help for the list of equates
this code was tested on an emu and pauses after each char is displayed (looks 
like garbage)