A86: _randint


A86: _randint

Hey, below is some code im working on.
BUt im having some trouble.
Everytime i try to run it, i get a domain error, and am booted back to ti-
os. Please help me.

	ld hl,1
	call _MOV10TOOP1
	ld hl,6
	call _MOV10TOOP2
	call _randint

	ld a,1
	ld (_curRow),a
	ld (_curCol),a
	call _dispOP1

Auto Signurature:
Derrick Lewis a.k.a. Vyyk Drago

Council member in the TSF Jedi Knight Clan.

Also part-time webmaster of DragoonSoft.

Email: VDrago@ix.netcomc.om
ICQ: 10310623
AOL IM: Cheetor990
