Re: A86: creating string routines


Re: A86: creating string routines

In a message dated 6/21/99 20:13:09 Eastern Daylight Time, 

> im working on a program that uses strings to store data and plan on making 
>  on calc editor.
>  how do you use the _CREATESTRNG   equ      472Fh   routine??
>  do you have to create it then use findsym to access it?

from asmstudio:

_createstrng Routine

Creates a new string variable. The data is not initialized to any value.

Input	OP1 = name of variable (in variable name format)
HL = number of bytes to allocate
Output	BDE = pointer to variable data (absolute)
OP4 = variable name
HL = pointer to symbol table entry
RAM page 7 is loaded, making HL a valid pointer
Defined in

_createstrng	.EQU	472Fh

so if you want to access the string after it's created, you would do this:

	ld a,b
	ex de,hl
	call _load_ram_ahl
	inc hl \ inc hl
;now hl points to the first byte.

or if you want to copy a chunk of data (presumably in your program) into a 

	ld a,b
	ex de,hl
	call _ahl_plus_2_pg3
	ld hl,data_start
	xor a
	ld hl,data_end-data_start
	call _mm_ldir			;copy data into string

note that this is very similar to a writeback routine.