A86: im 0


A86: im 0

The following code should count the number of interupts that occur
within a certain amount of time (but it doesn't).  So, have I done
something wrong, or am I mistaken about what im 0 does?  Dux's tutorial
says it executes the code contained in the i register...

	ld c,0
	ld a,$0c
	ld i,a				;op code for inc c
	ld b,4
	im 0
	ld de,0
	dec de
	ld a,d
	or e
	jr nz,testloop
	djnz testouter

	im 1
	call _homeup
	xor a
	ld h,a
	ld l,c	
	call _dispAHL
