Re: A86: djnz, jr and jp


Re: A86: djnz, jr and jp

At 18:30 1999-01-08 -0800, you wrote:
>despite all this choas and crap...I'm quite interested now to know if
>ANYONE knows how to use jp/jr/djnz when programming in hex.

jr and djnz uses relative addresses:

$D748   ld b,3          2 bytes
$D74A   <do something>
$D75A   djnz -$10       2 bytes  (loop to $D74A)

The second byte of the last instruction should be -$12 though,
because the relative address is added to PC after the instruction
has been read. Thus, PC is $D75C when djnz has been read,
and -$12 ($EE) is use.d

jr works the same way...

jp uses absolute addressing which mean you have to know the exact
location of where to jump:

$D748   <lots of code>
$D7A0   jp $D758        ; stored as $C3 $58 $D7

When programming in hex, you shouldn't insert code... rather, you will up
a lot of memory with $00 (nop) and overwrite code all the time, so you
don't have to change the jump addresses all the time.

Real name:     Jimmy Mårdell         

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