Re: A86: Maskable Interrupts


Re: A86: Maskable Interrupts

isn't this the off routine?
¦0c4c  d303      out     (#03),a         ;turn off screen
¦0c4e  fdcb129e  res     3,(iy+#12)      ;shift2nd
¦0c52  fdcb099e  res     3,(iy+#09)      ;onRunning
¦0c56  08        ex      af,af'
¦0c57  d9        exx
¦0c58  fb        ei
¦0c59  76        halt
¦0c5a  18fd      jr      #0c59           ; (-3)

what is that if not a loop?
if interrupts are shut off, they are shut off with external circuitry,
not with di.  there is no place in the rom where di is followed by a halt

it seems to me that the calculator is always "off".  in normal operation,
(when it's not busy) it sits in a halt loop, waiting for an interrupt to
tell it to blink the cursor or register a key.  when you turn it off, it
shuts down the screen and possibly disables the "200/sec" interrupt
signal from whatever generates it.  this is mostly speculation, but it
makes sense.


On Sat, 2 Jan 1999 02:22:01 -0700 "Dux Gregis" <>
>>> no, it's not in a loop.  halt waits for an interrupt ... when the 
>calc is
>>> turned off so are the interrupts _except_ for the on key interrupt, 
>>> ends the halt when it is triggered.
>>I'll look that up and get back to you.
>you _can_ believe me.  I've looked at the code :-)

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