A86: New OS... Planning stage


A86: New OS... Planning stage

TI Community,

     I'm keeping up a web page that has a bunch of ideas for a new OS. 
(not just another shell).  These are very initial plans, and I don't 
know at what point I'm going to actually get to programming any of it. 
But any input from you guys would be greatly appreciated.  I don't want 
to leave any aspects out of it that make programming for it a pain.  I 
might do that if I don't get some perspectives on it other than my own.

     I would especially appreciate being told if there is anything on 
the web page that is perhaps "too ambitious".  A lot of these ideas 
depend upon my "best guess" as to what the Z80 and the 200hz interrupt 
can handle.  But i'm afraid that some of my ideas might be rediculiously 
impossible as a result of some oversight on my part.  That is where 
different perspectives come into play.

     Anyway take a look, see what you think....  Maybe the ideas can 
spur some creativity in the TI community.

URL: http://bdaddy.mit.edu/os86/


David E. West

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