Re: A86: Re: AOL Users or non.


Re: A86: Re: AOL Users or non.

> At no point or time did I say an ip address was a social security 
> number.  And its easier than that to crack an AOL password.
> AOL has a profile for each person that has a name.  If you look
> in it it has all your email (sent, not yet read, and old ones)
> along with everything else about you (password, favorite places,
> etc...) in it.  So if you ask me AOL can get you totally screwed.

All of that information is not stored on the account, but stored
locally on the computer(s) used to log into that account with
native access (versus guest access).  When I log on, say from
school, I don't have access to my favorite places or sent mail,
etc.  The only thing that's stored on the server is your AOL
buddy list (the only feature of AOL's customer IM service
that's better than AIM).  And most AOLers are not stupid
enough to let AOL store their passwords locally anyway
(well at least I'm not).  The only place my password is at is
on the AOL database used to check passwords (well that's
the only place it SHOULD be).

And having an AOLer's IP address does not help you access
those files, local or global.