Re: A86: Re: Sprites and the Screen


Re: A86: Re: Sprites and the Screen

In a message dated 2/5/99 10:48:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> It all depends on what FindPixel, FindAddress or PutSprite routine you are
>  using!  It is normally the upper left, but on the 85 I believe the
>  FIND_PIXEL rom call made it lower the right.  If the coords are reversed,
>  than that's the fault of your PutSprite routine.  Remember, X is
>  Y is vertical.  They refer to the standard cartessian coordinate plane
>  (remember Algebra?)

Yes, but what quadrant is it in? I, II, III, or IV? Many graphics programs
start X and Y from the upper left corner, which is Quadrant IV...