A86: Sprite Reversal


A86: Sprite Reversal

I am new to the list (just got an 86), but I already have programmed ASM for
the 85, so I am hoping it will be a rather easy switch...(right!)...Anyway, I
need to know if there is any possible way to "reverse" a sprite.  Here is what
I mean:

Sprite:					;Here is our nice little sprite
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
	.db %11100000
						;This is the sprite after we reverse it.
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111
	.db %00000111

I would appreciate any help I can get, as it would greatly decrease the size
of my program.

-Patrick Gray