A86: Re: Titles


A86: Re: Titles

>How are titles done in Assembly?  Alligned sprites?  I know that for
>Arkanoid, the title includes gray scale and is in string format.  How does
>this work??

No, not alligned sprites.  It is a 1024 byte picture.  Usually to display
one, you would do:
ld hl,title
ld de,$fc00
ld bc,1024
Unless you're using Pic2RLE ;-), then you would use:
ld hl,title
ld de,$fc00
call DispRLE

Now, I made James' title pic for Arkanoid.  For grayscale, you need 2 1024
byte pictures, and an IM 2 grayscale handler to reduce flicker.  For
strings, you would do:

ld hl,strname
rst $20
rst $10
jr nc,found

    .db 5,"title"

like that....
Hope this helps,
tbarwick@esn.net - http://brett.acz.org
ICQ UIN: 20607010
AIM: BarwickBJ
ACZ member - http://www.acz.org