Re: A86: Moo ichi doo, oo neegaitimasu!


Re: A86: Moo ichi doo, oo neegaitimasu!

dozo! (here you are!)

Ok the 86 is different that the 85 in that it has built in support for asm.  
It doesnt require a shell to run varibles of the program type. The actuall 
program "code" is in a program that is compiled with assembly studio by 
pressing F5 is an .86p (program) type that can be run with the command 
Asm(XXXXXXXX at the homescreen. (XXXXXXXX is the name of the program).

You can make a data string with assembly studio by:

1)click Tools, then Options
2)select the Assembly tab at the top
3)goto the window that has "output plugin" and choose .86s (string output)
4)return to your data and press F5 (or click Build)
5)presto! your data (such as graphics) is compiled!

  Dont forget if you want to make a program you must set the output type 
back to .86p first!! :)
Also, you could always keep the data in the program if you wanted too!

ok say that is done; you have the string all done and you want to access the 
data of the string.  ok lets say you know the name of the string, say it is 
called "StrIng". to look it up you would do the following:

  ld hl,stringnamelabel ;this points hl to the string name
  rst 20h               ;this is move 10 bytes to op1
                        ;it moves the 10 bytes from hl(stringname to         
                  ;op1 for looking it up (for seeing if it                   
  rst 10h               ;call _Findsym its sees if it exists or not
  ret c                 ;if it *doesnt* exist the carry is set
;_findsym (rst 10h) returns the absolute pointer of the data into bde.
;the absolute pointer is a 24bit number that can be changed in to a ;easily 
working pointer of hl and a (as ram page). the next part puts ;bde into ahl 
so it can be changed to the asic address (16 bit ;address) in hl.
  ex de,hl              ;swap hl,and de (basically de->hl)
  ld a,b                ;b->a (so now ahl is what bde was)

  call $46C3            ;this uses ahl to change the abs(olute) ;pointer to 
a asic pointer. Hl will point to string data and a will be ;ram page 
(already set for you)

  ld a,(hl)             ;hl is now pointing to your data

stringnamelabel: .db 12,6,"StrIng"    ;CASE SENSITIVE!!

That last part is varible name format, it is like this. first byte is 12 
(only because we are looking for a string, a program would be 18) the second 
byte (6) is the length of the string. then comes the name of the string (or 
varible) and it is case sensetive too.

here are some other pages that have to do with varibles and the vat:

less specifically some of the better sites for ti-86 asm progamming:

Hope you can use this...

Ricky Cobb
icq# 41440378

>Subject: A86: Moo ichi doo, oo neegaitimasu!
>Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 07:17:10 EST
>That's Japanese (maybe not _correct_ Japanese) for "Once more, please."
>What I need is for someone to tell me again how to use Assembly Studio 86 
>make the "code" string of a program and the "data" string... and how to 
>them to the calc. (You know, so you have one string with the program code 
>another with the data).
>If ya'll could do that I'd be really appreciative.  Also, if you guys could
>tell me how to access the string from the program when it is _on_ the
>calculator I'd be even more indebted. Thanks.
>-Josh Morris, Macross Software

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