Re: A86: A few questions....


Re: A86: A few questions....

In a message dated 12/24/99 10:24:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Okay... I want to start ASM (actually I've wanted to for the last year, but 
> never got around to it => )
>  I have some tutorials... source code and everything else...
>  On Zilog's website, I found something called the Zilog Developer Studio... 
> can I use this to program ASM for my 86???

Assembly Studio 86 is MUCH better for ti-86 programming.  It's a whole ide 
developed exclusively for the 86.

>  Also, I would appreciate any links to FAQ's / tutorials..etc for 
> I've found a bunch, but you never know the one you might miss...

>  And is there anywhere I can d/l the manuals... if not I guess its to 
> FatBrain I go...

Manuals for what?  For the z80, you can get them from zilog's website.

>  For the sake of the list... if you don't think a reply would be 
> on the list... please address it to

This is about as appropriate a request as any could be, and should definitely 
be shared with the lest.  It's the off-topic posts that should be moved to 
email, not the actual programming questions.

Jonah Cohen
<> (down)