Re: A86: Re: new emulator


Re: A86: Re: new emulator

Oi! That's different! =)

Isn't the processor in the Palm III a Z80? (I thought it was.) If it is, why
are you working on an emulator? All you would need to do is handle the ports
(i.e., lcd, keyboard). Now of course I may be wrong, it may just be the
original Palm Pilot that had a Z80. In any case, how are you testing your
Z80 core on the computer when the computer has an x86? If Palm III has x86,
I wrote a Z80 core in pure asm that you can look at (if nothing else, for

----- Original Message -----
From: Liyang Hu <>
To: TI-Emu ML <>; TI-86 Asm ML
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 2:07 PM
Subject: RE: A86: Re: new emulator

> Oh well, I might as well tell you about it - I'm writing the emu for my
> III.
> I think I have most of the core logic bits done (On the PC, that is. It'll
> be ported over to the Palm as soon as I figure out how the keyboard
> but I have problems implementing the keyboard handler - I'm using TI86Emu
> (the one written in C++ builder) as my only debugging tool / reference.
> however that I do not want a cycle-perfect emulation of the core, I want
> to be as fast as possible. My problem is this - my Z80 core deviates from
> TI86Emu whenever I'm going through the keyboard code (although that's
> expected), but the keyboard handling stuff isnt quite working. I'm not
> really sure if it's my handler code or whether I'm misimplementing some
> opcode somewhere... I was hoping for something that will test the Z80
> not my keyboard handler :)
> nb: the emu works to the point where I have a flashing cursor sitting
> at the home screen... if only the keyboard works...
> --
>  /*\-------------------------.   .----------------------------.
> |    Liyang Hu aka DenseBoy   \ /   __pikachu ICQ # 39391385   \
> |      |    <denseboy@41t4v!5t4.n3t>    |
> +------------------------------+--------------------------------+
> |  The subspace W inherits the other 8 properties of V.         |
> |    And there aren't even any property taxes.                  |
> |      -- J. MacKay, Mathematics 134b                           |
> |   -----------------------------------------------------------/
>  \*/ /*  get my public key at  */
>     /*   decode the l33t-speak in my address to email me!   */

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