A86: Re: i need an equate here


A86: Re: i need an equate here

 ld a,$42
 out (6),a
 ld ix,$8000
 ld bc,$3fff
 ld hl,8
 ld d,8
 ld e,(ix)
 inc ix
 add hl,de
 dec bc
 ld a,b
 or c
 jr nz,CalcChecksumLoop
 ld e,d
 ex de,hl
 sbc hl,de
 ld (_onChecksum),hl

> Does anyone have an equate for ROM call $0E0B ?  Better yet, anyone know
> of a reference to this from the page 0D call table, so it is compatible
> across versions?
> It calculates the _onChecksum value and stores it to HL.

Follow-Ups: References: