Re: A86: Program List


Re: A86: Program List

Really?  I thought they had to start with a letter.  Oh duh, I guess if
you can start a program with a square root symbol it can be pretty much
anything, huh?

Cassady Roop wrote:
> In a message dated 12/5/99 13:52:32 Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Let <$12,$08,"AAAAAAAA"> be the start value of your search.  $12
> >  indicates that it is a program, $08 tells the calc how long the name is,
> >  and 8 'A's is the lowest (alphabetically) name possible.
> >
> Actually, the this is the lowest possible prog alphabetically.
> startprog:
>   .db $12,1,0
> ----
> Jonah Cohen
> <>
