Re: A86: Text and dispAHL


Re: A86: Text and dispAHL

In a message dated 12/5/99 17:35:43 Eastern Standard Time, 

> Okay here's my problem:  I want to display three lines of instructions in
>  variable width text and the free ram under that.  How do I line up the 
>  first strings on the left and not make them over lap?  Should I use ld
>  (_penRow) and ld (_penCol) and set the col to zero then keep setting the 
>  down and using call _vputs? 

Yeah pretty much.

>  And how do I display the AHL text in variable
>  width under that?  I only know about call _dispAHL which displays the 
>  from call _MEMCHK in fixed width.

;_penCol and _penRow point where you want to display memory
    ld hl,-1
    ld (_curRow),hl         ;coordinates out of bounds
    call _MEMCHK
    call _dispAHL           ;not displayed because cursor off screen
    dec hl                  ;point to start of free memory
    call _vputs             ;display in small font

Jonah Cohen
