A86: CAS project


A86: CAS project

I'm starting up a symbolic manipulation project in asm.  I have most of the
"planning" code written up for expanding algebraic expressions, also I have
the format of the parsing that will take place for all operations.

Anyone interested should contact me.  Also over the weekend I should get a
section at my page up for the project at http://chad.dirks.com .

the next part that i'll work on over the weekend is add subtract multiply
and divide.  These won't be done the fastest way possible but they will work
with unlimited number of digits.

Anyone with algorithms that they would suggest I use please contact me.

Come on people it's been done for HP's let's show um what TI's can do.

ACZ.org guys why don't you start a similar project of something with all
your great programmers you could do it.

thanks for your time ( a whole lot of it)

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