Re: A86: grphlink error


Re: A86: grphlink error

You're prolly right.. But, your motherboard must have com port pins on it.
Open it up and look... if there are some, then you'll just need a comport
plug to connect to the MB... otherwise, beats me :)

 On Thu, 24 Sep 1998 wrote:

%In a message dated 9/23/98 7:07:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
% Try looking on the back of the hard drive.  It should be around the other
% ports.  It may also be called the serial port. >>
%Hey, I'm not joking around.  I said it doesn't have a com port.  I wasn't
%lying.  I looked.  there is no com port on my pc.  I'm not a pc-know-nothing.
%and I KNOW there is not com port. 

Chuck Mason		              || "The world is full of                   ||  painted pictures 
------------------------------------- ||  which yet to have 
semu - ||  its 1000 words."--Me
