Re: A86: more on writing/running an asm prog.


Re: A86: more on writing/running an asm prog.

> OK can we please stop this before it turns into one of those things that 
> PO's on of the better programmers(Kirk comes to mind) of the list and 
> then causes them to drop off?  I don't wanna have another thing like the 
> "fabled"battery incident(which I've only heard of thts why its 
> "fabled").  Thanks

Kirk didn't leave because of an annoying thread, contrary to what
he may have said.  You guys need to shut up and suffer a little.
The list is here for everyone to use, not just you.  If you can't handle
getting mail that does not greatly interest you, then a mailing list
is the wrong place to be on.  The ROM thing is marginally on-topic
and should be let continue until everyone is done discussing it.
Taking a 5-second glance at a letter will not hurt you and you can
always set your mail controls to filter out ROM or something.

Bunch of whining babies...