Re: A86: asm to HEX


Re: A86: asm to HEX

When you "Build Program" with ASM Studio 86, it outputs a .86p file which
is an assembly program compiled and compressed. If you have a graphlink,
just send that file to the calc. If not, than what you are doing is fine.
Just make sure that the first line of the program is AsmPrgm.  No, you
don't have to compress it, but if you are hurt for space, you should. The
only downside to that is that you can't edit the hex after it is

 About the emulator, just press the load button when running in debug
mode, and load in the .86p file. Then, you just run  it with the Asm()
command, or from a shell (like ASE)
Hope I could help.


On Sat, 12 Sep 1998 15:28:36 EDT writes:
>I got Asm Studio 86.  I can write progs there right?  Then I got an 
>program.  when I build progs in the studio program I can open them up 
>in the
>asm2hex prog.  right so far?
>After viewing it in the asm2hex prog, I hand-copy it to my calc.  
>right?  then
>when I get the hex on my calc I have to do what?  do I run asmcomp(  ? 
> if I
>do that then I cant edit the prog anymore right?
>I also got TI86emu.  I can run progs there right?   and then check 
>right?  does ti86emu only run the asmfile or can it run the hexfile 

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