A86: Maping a game with .db?


A86: Maping a game with .db?

Okay i have a pretty simple question (it seems as always) but lets say that i want
to have a map for a game, but instead of just making a huge title screen i want to make it so that i have "blocks" so to speak.  In each block i could have a different picture displayed or the same one displayed.  This way i would not have to call a sprite routine a hundred times and putsprite at b=2 c=1.  If any one gets what i am talking about please help me out.  I know that i have to define the bytes .db 01110011 and say evertime 1 appears show a block that is 8*8 but i don't really get how to use the defined bytes in this way.  I am sure that this is what is commonly used in games, but i have not found info about it.  Thanks for the help.
Basic Programing Center
ICQ #16817590
