A86: Re: help converting op1 to a


A86: Re: help converting op1 to a

The ROM call to set OP1 to a is $5577 or _convop1.
I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: BrncAvFan2@aol.com <BrncAvFan2@aol.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 7:58 PM
Subject: A86: help converting op1 to a

>All right, for once I have tried to do something all by myself before I
>and it didn't work.  Here is what I have:
>call _clrLCD
> call _runindicoff
> ld hl,$1010
> ld (_penCol),hl
> ld a,5
> call _getky
> jr z,loop
> call $426f ;op2-op1
> call $4813 ;push op1
> push af
> call $47b7 ;pop op1
> pop af
> call Display3dNum
> ret
> ld h,0
> ld l,a
> call UNPACK_HL
> add a,48
> ld c,a
> call UNPACK_HL
> add a,48
> ld b,a
> call UNPACK_HL
> add a,48
> call _vputmap
> ld a,b
> call _vputmap
> ld a,c
> call _vputmap
> ret
>What is supposed to happen is the number in op2 is stored to op1, then op1
>stored to a using pushes and pops.  For some reason, it will only display a
>number every 3 times I run it.  It also will only display 51, 52, or 53.
>Could somebody please help.  Also, is there a rom call that will set op1 to