A86: An Odd Problem...


A86: An Odd Problem...

This is a routine that I use to pop up a menu screen in a "game" I'm working
on. Everything works fine until the MORE button is pressed. The menu screen
comes up, but when it does there is gibberish there. The calc does NOT crash.
The menu exits just fine when any key is pressed. Since you guys seem to hate
the entire thing being pasted to the list, here's the part that is a problem:

#include "ti86asm.inc"
#include "asm86.h"

_curLoc	.equ $F600
_curOld	.equ $F604
_money	.equ $F606
_item1	.equ $F608
_dispAHL	.equ $4A33

;The Code

 call _clrScrn
 ld hl,$0000
 ld (_curRow),hl
 set textInverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,MenuTtl
 call _puts
 res textInverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,BlankMenu
 call _puts
 ld hl,$0C01
 ld (_curRow),hl
 xor a
 ld hl,(_money)
 call _dispAHL
 ld hl,(_item1)
 call _dispAHL
 call _AnyKey
 jp DrawLetter 

;...Data and junk

In case you're wondering:

 call _getky
 or a
 jr z,_AnyKey