Re: A86: Questions on Port 3, calc on, off, APD, etc


Re: A86: Questions on Port 3, calc on, off, APD, etc

><< I disassembled the ROM, the interrupt handler is fixed in the code, it
> a jump to the ON key interrupt handler routine. I did over 5 hours of
> disassebling and came to the conclusion there are no NMI's.. I have been
> reading some of the messages about interrupts by Jimmy Mardell and he also
> says "The TI-8x doesn't have any NMI's" and someone (maybe him) also says
> they haven't even seen a computer with an NMI >>
>I remember reading in a x86 ASM book that the NMI on Intel processors was
>for some kind of hardware error (memory corruption?).

Interrupt work much differently on an x86 processor. All interrupts on a Z80
are triggered by hardware, but you can trigger literally hundreds of
different interrupts on an intel processor by software. It then jumps to
some vector table - oh I dont remember.. Hell, I havent messed with x86 asm
programming in over a year. I like programming the Z80 much better
