A86: Re: Key input


A86: Re: Key input

how about direct input?  it is the fastest and only way as far as I know..
here is an ex:

ld  a,0ffh   ;Reset keyport
 out  (1),a   ;Clear Port
 ld  a,0feh   ;Load desired port
 out     (1),a   ;Clear Keys
 in  a,(1)   ;Input Key
 cp 251   ;If key is right
 jp  z,GunRight  ;Goto Right
 cp  253   ;If key is left
 jp  z,GunLeft  ;Goto Left
 cp 247   ;Is it key Up
 jp z,GunUp   ;Move Up
 cp 254   ;Is it Down
 jp z,GunDown  ;Move Down
 ld  a,0ffh   ;Reset keyport
 out  (1),a   ;Clear Port
 ld  a,0bfh   ;Load desired port
 out     (1),a   ;Clear Keys
 in  a,(1)   ;Input Key
 cp  223   ;Is it 2nd
 jp  z,shoot   ;Shoot if so
 cp 127   ;Is it delete
 jp z,QuickPause  ;Pause
 cp 191   ;Is it Exit [Note - would result in Key Mode on 83]
 ret z   ;Return from Program if so
 jp nz,NoKey  ;NoKey Otherwise

--From DuckHunt

Hope this helps...
-----Original Message-----
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Saturday, May 16, 1998 11:48 PM
Subject: A86: Key input

>What's the best way to read simultaneous key presses?  Especially,
>at the same time.  I know how to read directly from the port, but I don't
>how to read more than one keypress at a time.
