Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program


Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program

On Mon, 04 May 1998 21:00:01 -0400 Stephen Hicks <>
>no, the "0" before it puts something in Ans.  Also, if you were to use 

and op5!!!


>function with parameters, you would run into several problems:
>(a) the user would have to install the token before the basic program 
>(b) the token may conflict with other asaps (stat, fin, trig, asm, 
>etc...) and
>if it is installed automatically, that would cause a problem.
>Calling the asm program from the basic program with an Asm(beep) is 
>really the
>best way.  The only time user tokens come in handy is when you want to 
>functionality to the user end of the os...
>Kevin Buck wrote:
>> and because that routine is merely calling an ASM program (If I 
>> it correctly), and you would have that to worry with, and probably 
>only have
>> one type of sound.  I don't know how it could be accomplished, but 
>it would
>> be very nice to have built into the I/O menu.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dux Gregis <>
>> To: <>
>> Date: Sunday, May 03, 1998 8:40 PM
>> Subject: Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program
>> >
>> >Because it looks better ... and it's easier to read parameters  :-)
>> >
>> >Kirk Meyer wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Why does it have to be a callable function? Why not something 
>> >>
>> >> 0:Asm(sound
>> >>

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