Re: A86: Re: Can someone tell me why this won't work???


Re: A86: Re: Can someone tell me why this won't work???

The vid mem is $400 bytes long...

Matt2000 wrote:

> >For some reason, whenever I assemble the following code it just displays 5
> >1/2 lines and waits for the keypress or crashes the calc/emulator -- it
> >should just copy the data in TitlePic directly into the videomem and
> display
> >it, then wait for enter to be pressed. . . SO WHY WON'T IT WORK??? (and
> >ignore the image, it's just a jumble mass of pixels, since bmp2asm won't
> >work right. . .)
> I had problems with BMP2ASM at first too. Whatever paint program you use,
> save it as a .BMP, then open it up with Microsoft Paint, and then re-save
> the .BMP as a monochrome 1-bit BMP.
> >------ Code follows ------
> >#include ""
> >#include "asm86.h"
> >
> >.org _asm_exec_ram
> >  ld de,$FC00
> >  ld hl,TitlePic
> >  ld bc,$300
> The display area is $400 (1024 bytes)
> >  ldir
> >Loop:
> >  jp GET_KEY
> >  cp K_ENTER
> >  jp nz,Loop
> >  ret
> >
> Image is all screwed up. Use my instructions above.

Stephen Hicks
