A86: Tools86


A86: Tools86

Hello !

This is my new program (finished 3 months ago ;-) : Tools 86.
It is a mem/registers viewer/editor disassembler and search tool !

The disassembler is not available yet because I'm too lazy to search
the better way to do it. Kirk meyer wrote a good one, but when I
asked him for the source, he told me that it was in machine language
I think he didn't understand my request. Can anyone help me to
obtain this source.

How to use :

  Registers :

       2nd : Edit mode      (you can't edit Z and C flags)

        ALPHA : rom call
            the screen is refreshed just after the call
            the registers are updated.


        2nd :  Go to a specific address
        ALPHA : Edit mode     (you can't edit the rom : mem<8000h)
        F1 and F2 to swap pages

    Search: really simple
                the search is in the current pages (see Memory to know

                how to swap pages)

    Disassembler : not available

That's all.

Bryan Rabeler : don't upload Tools86 to (in?) ticalc.org because it is
not finished.
I've sent this program to this list to help people to find new rom
calls and other
interesting things.

CLEM  <cvasseur@runnet.com>

TI-Graph Link Document
